Street works Surveys & Inspections
P J Keary offer a full range of site survey and street works inspection services to include pre-works planning, assessment of works in progress and post works audits.
All Inspection data and photographs are collected electronically using Tablet PC or PDA devices (with our own project-specific data collection software) and are available to view online on Kearynet in close to real time and can be integrated within your own systems using any industry standard protocols.
Street works are often planned on the basis of partial information where staff have to rely on basic information provided by the initiator, guessing the remainder and hoping that no unforeseen circumstances arise when the gang attend site. This can lead to costly aborts and unnecessary costs.
Our pre-works surveys provide all the information required to plan and complete the works compliantly in the most cost-effective and efficient manner whilst minimising abortive visits and exposure to unnecessary costs and charges. This includes identification of matters such as parking bay suspensions, materials required for reinstatement, evidence of pre-existing damage, traffic management requirements (including preparation of TM plans and site meetings), permit requirements, lane rental implications etc. By capturing GPS information at the time of survey, we can also plot pending work geographically online, with powerful search functionality to maximise the productivity of your teams.
Foresight, our low cost, high quality service offers a one-stop-shop for advanced enabling, pre-site meetings and traffic management drawings which pays for itself several times over.
Foresight involves the pre-survey of all minor and standard works by dedicated specialists, supplying comprehensive up-to-date information to your planners, so that all relevant circumstances can be taken into account when planning street works.
All undertakers recognise the critical importance of maintaining safe sites for their workforce, pedestrians and road users. Branding, information boards and the general appearance of site will also influence the public’s perception of the Undertaker. However, managers responsible for high volume, short duration work, are faced with the challenge that it is virtually impossible to continuously monitor every site and have 100% confidence that all work is being carried out in a safe and compliant manner.
P J Keary offer an in-progress inspection service, to attend sites (on a random or focused basis) and assess the work in progress, capturing and presenting real-time information online so that managers have full visibility of the work that’s being carried out on their behalf. Where required, guidance can be given to gangs with shortfalls addressed during the Inspector’s visit. For Highway Authorities, as part of a sample inspection service, we can undertake Category ‘A’ inspections assessing compliance with the Safety at Street and Road Works Code of Practice and Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways.
Inspection of completed works to assess compliance with the SROH, notice accuracy and Section 74. Comprehensive performance reporting to identify the root causes of failures and enable the Utility / Contractor to initiate corrective and preventative actions. This enables any emerging performance issues to be identified and addressed proactively before a costly legacy of non-compliance develops.
Our NRSWA Inspection services are available to Local Authorities for a fraction of the cost of the nationally agreed street works inspection charges and the benefits over recruiting a larger team ‘in-house’ include: A no-risk cost model with no initial investment, Flexible resource management – the authority can increase or reduce output as and when required, Specialist staff backed by expert management and 20 years’ experience, Market-leading systems – use of the latest technology, real-time electronic inspection data, comprehensive online reporting, minimising the back-office admin burden.
Whether Highway Authority, Statutory Undertaker or Contractor we can represent your interests at Joint Inspections. This can include challenging or demonstrating the validity of a defect notice, the responsibility for the works and the extent of remedial works required and capturing signatures electronically on site as evidence of the agreement reached.
We can operate a coring programme to assess the compliance of work undertaken on your behalf or in your area, including measurement of layer depths, assessment of material type/suitability and subsequent laboratory analysis for air voids etc.
Streetworks Survey & Streetworks Inspection